Games We Play

Now that E's getting a bit older, he can play games with us.  It's the cutest thing ever.  Games that I would consider boring, monotonous, obnoxious, are suddenly fun when watching E experience them and light up at how much fun he's having.  There's not much I won't do for this smush... and that includes playing the following games (over and over again).

One of Those Days

When I walked into the room, E was crawling under a crib and quickly disappeared from sight.  I laughed and gave a questioning look to his teacher.  "Oh he lost his purple ball under there.  He'll be back!"  And sure enough, he emerged from under the crib holding the ball in his hand.  He laughed, threw it across the room, and then continued to chase after it.  

It was Friday, thankfully.  The end to a long week.  E had a great day - better than I'd had, and I listened as his teacher recapped it.  A long nap, a skipped bottle, drinking from the sippy cup.  All good things!  I gathered up his stuff and tried to convince him to leave.  Since all his friends were there, it wasn't easy, and he was whining as I tried to balance him and all of his stuff in my arms.

Happy Father's Day

I don't worry too much about E.

I know that he will have struggles in his life, ups and down, things to get through.  But he's got a pretty awesome dad to look up to, and who will hopefully show him what it really means to be a man, and it's nothing to do with how tough you are, or how sharply you dress, and everything to do with how you treat people. 

It Happened.

I’ve been ignoring it, but I’m not sure I can anymore. 

We have a walker.

E’s been taking steps for a while now.  Since before his birthday.  One, two.. occasionally 4.  Not very frequently though.  Maybe once a day?  He’d do it to prove he could, and then move on.  Crawling was faster, and he didn’t seem interested.  We could never make him do it.. it would just randomly happen.

Slowing Down

It's so easy to get caught up in routines and responsibilities.  Head down, moving along until the next appointment or time you need to be doing something.  I forget, sometimes, to stop and look around.  To breathe and enjoy the fact that it's no longer winter.  To sit and be happy with nothing to do.  To get outside at lunch, instead of sitting at my desk because it's what I did yesterday. 

Life with a One Year Old

We survived the first year.  We celebrated the birthday.  We still have no teeth, but we now have a toddler on our hands.  Can you call them a toddler if they still don't walk?  He's definitely not a baby anymore, though.  

I miss the baby stage.  Even when he wasn't sleeping through the night.  It was easy - you fed him, you cuddled him, you could spend your weekends on the couch and he'd be happy to just look at your face.  


I'm not sure when this trend started, but lately you can't say "first birthday" without someone mentioning a smash cake.  It's just a thing you do now.  I doubt I even got to eat cake at my first birthday, and now little one year old's everywhere are getting their very own cake.  Meticulously baked and decorated... only so the child can smash it to pieces while trying to get a bite in their mouths.  

It's as cute and messy as you can imagine. 

Birthday Weekend

It's special that E and I get to share a birthday weekend.  It's also a little crazy - there's a lot of celebrating to do in a small amount of time.  The good news is, we had a nice long weekend to spread out the festivities in.  Daycare was closed on Friday, which left E and I with a free day.  We started the day off by going out for breakfast, and ended the day with a birthday play date.  


Nick Names: Bubba, Sweetness
Height: 28.75 inches (13th percentile)
Weight: 21 pounds, 8 oz (54th percentile)
Head: 18 inches (40th percentile)
Special Outings: Panera, Market Basket
Visitors: Grandma & Grandpa, Becca & Joe, Nicole, Alice & Stephen, Aunt Joanie, Uncle Rick & Brooke
Loves: Laundry baskets, coat hangers, walking by pushing furniture
Hates: Waking up during the night, empty bottles, getting hurt

Outdoor Progress

Our yard is a mess.  It's not quite as bad as it was when we moved in, but that's largely due to the fact we're not currently in a drought - not anything we've done.  There are large patches of dirt, and the green that is growing is weeds, not grass. 

However, a lot time ago we decided it wasn't our priority.  I was going to put some analogy here that my boss used on me yesterday about not tying the laces of the shoe before taking it off or something, but it made way more sense when he said it, than me trying to remember it now.  Anyway the point is, our whole property needs work, and that work will only dig up the lawn more.  So I've decided we'll live with a non yard for a few years while we get everything else done first. 

Just Me

Sometimes I feel like this past year has turned me from Caitlin into a mom, and nothing more.  Don't get me wrong, being a mom is awesome, but every once in a while something happens that leaves me feeling a little funny.  Someone will ask me a question I normally would know the answer to, and I realize I have no clue. 

For instance, I went to a Red Sox game recently!  There was a time where I'd go to 10-15 games a season, and lately I'm lucky when I average one.  This was actually a pretty easy game to go to, but it still required a bit of planning.  I went with my co-workers, and it was a 1:05 game.  Tom worked from home so he could do daycare pickup, but I still managed to get home for bedtime.  

Week Nights

When I say you love sleep like your dad, I mean it.  Someone could honk their horn 4 blocks away and it would wake me from a dead sleep.  On the other hand, the alarm can go off, I can turn the lights on, and still sometimes I have to hit Tom to wake him up.  

Usually I try to put you down for a nap when we get home from daycare.  You don't sleep enough there during the day, and in my mind more sleep is always better.  You usually go down when we get home at 4:30, and hopefully wake up an hour later.  When you hadn't woken up by 5:45, I decided to help things along.  You see, I needed you to wake up so you could eat dinner and then go back to bed.  It seems stupid but if you don't wake up, you'll get angry around 10pm and demand food.  If I didn't give you the nap, you'd melt down.  It's a delicate balance.  

A Birthday Wish

I ran out of wipes, once, when we were on vacation.  Even though I had packed one of those huge packs from Costco, and even though I had a backup in the diaper bag, we ran out.  I remember the panic that came with knowing that I had no more.  It wasn't even that big of a problem, really.  It meant an extra trip to town to go buy more, but that wasn't a huge deal.  I missed an hour of time with my baby, and Tom had to deal with some witching hour antics by himself, but it was fine.  I ran out, bought some more, and our crisis was over.  I remember I barely even paused in the aisle with the wipes.  I grabbed whatever was closest, and was on my way.

Tales from Daycare

I love picking E up from daycare.  I love opening that door, spotting him and waiting for him to look up.  That moment of recognition is the best.  A grin spreads across his face, and he will book it across the room toward me.  It doesn't matter what's in his way - toys, books, other babies - he'll climb right over.

The other day, though, was a bit different.