Day in the Life

Days 2-5

I woke up yesterday and seriously thought it was Wednesday, when in fact it was Thursday. I thought about putting up a sign that says something like “Today is [Friday] and today we [work/don’t work].” But then I realized I’d probably forget to update it, and confuse myself even further. Everything is so disorienting, I really need to spend a few minutes each morning trying to remember what I’m supposed to be doing, and when.

A Weekend in the Life

Warning: This post is obnoxiously long, filled with pictures (seriously it may not even load on your phone - I actually didn't post half of what I took because it was taking so long), and maybe not be that interesting to many people, but I like to post snap shots of our life from time to time and see how they've changed.  Here's a peek into our life right now (on the weekends at least)

A Peek at Life Now

At some point you realize that life goes on.  Even though you feel like yours has completely turned upside down, and nothing will ever be normal again... you adjust.  You go from thinking about keeping this tiny human alive 100% of your day, to 98%, to 95%...  And you find you have room to start to care about a few of the things you did before he made his arrival. 

A Day in E's Life

Remember when I kept a diary for a full day when I was pregnant?  It was a peek into what early life was like between me and E.  Now that E's physically here, I thought I'd do it again.  Because who isn't curious what I do all day on maternity leave?? (spoiler alert: it's not that exciting and it's super repetitive)

A Day of Bubbles

So I'm getting to the point where I'm supposed to be counting kicks and such.  More importantly, though, is figuring out if your baby has a schedule, so you'll know at what points of the day to expect more movement than others.  The theory is then if something is wrong, you're more likely to notice. 

In preparation, I decided to try and pay attention for a full day.  At my last appointment they told me I shouldn't go more than an hour without feeling movement (unless I'm not paying attention).  So for anyone who might be interested, here is a breakdown of Bubble's day: