Six Months

As of 02/29/2021?

Nick Names: Baby baby
Height: 25.5 inches (Measured at home)
Weight: 17 pounds (Measured at home)
Head: 16.75 inches (Estimated)
Special Outings: Daycare
Visitors: Nicole, Alice & Olivia, Lorna, Riley & Logan, Oppedisanos
Loves: Blowing raspberries, My white & black blanket, Abby the cat
Hates: The 30 seconds before nap time

By some weird turn of the calendar, you don’t really get a half birthday this year. It’s better than being born on a leap day, sure, but it did give me a bit of pause when deciding when to celebrate. The answer of course was whenever we wanted to.

This was a big month for you - you started daycare! You were getting extremely bored at home every day, and seem to be doing well at school. Except for the first day when you came home so exhausted you could barely make a noise or keep your eyes open, you’ve adjusted great. You don’t cry at drop off, and they say you’re happy during the day. E occasionally peeks in the window at you and finds you napping in a crib. It’s both weird and fun to be driving home from pick up with three children in the car. Sure it takes us a while to get everyone strapped in, but you’re a pretty good sport. I don’t want to jinx us, but you may be my baby who has hated the car the least. Not enough to sleep in the car, but I’ll take neutrality.

It’s hard to describe you exactly, at this age. You can sit, which does not mean that you do sit. You occasionally will, or occasionally will decide you want your feet in your mouth and turn yourself into a ball that just rolls over. Your hair is sometimes as wild as its ever been and sometimes lies completely flat, turning you into a different person entirely. You can be quiet and content to sit and play, or you can scream louder than anyone in this house (which isn’t easy considering the loud siblings and cats you have). Some days you eat only bottles, content to leave food for another day, and some days you rip the literal pizza out of my hands and claim it as your own.

It makes it harder to declare that you are G’s twin, although some days it seems certain you are. But then here you come to remind us that you are your own person. One that loves to suck on clothes and grab at Abby and chew on fingers (your own or otherwise). Your laughs are amazing, but it’s hard to figure out how to get them sometimes - you don’t like the same bouncing on the couch your siblings did, for example, but when we get a laugh out of you it’s so loud and forceful. E is probably the best at getting you to laugh, which is just so cool to watch. The hardest thing about you is probably your sleep, and even that isn’t that bad considering your age. You are as always, happily along for the ride.

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