Small Updates

Sometimes I feel like there’s nothing to update because every day seems the same, but at the same time everything changes so quickly that I have too much to share. Like E’s favorite song lately is Rihanna’s Umbrella (because what a cool thing to sing about!) and G’s favorite song is ABCDEFU (“She sings it wrong!”).

The baby baby is suddenly huge. I looked at her the other day and almost didn’t recognize her face. It doesn’t help that I think daycare has been brushing her hair so it doesn’t always stick straight up anymore, but suddenly she has these big cheeks too! She’s also huge, I just weighed her and she’s about 17 lbs which means she’s moved up a diaper size and a sleep sack size, but long gone is my tiny ity baby. It’s okay, because she’s almost entering a really fun phase, where she’ll be able to sit and play with us, and she’s starting to get really excited about food. I still don’t really have the energy to want to feed her table food even daily, but occasionally she’ll get to chew on something we’re eating and so far she loves it. And if not, she just chews on my shirt instead.

E is in a hard spot lately. He’s feeling like he’s older, but he’s not old enough to do everything he wants to. He wants to create elaborate games with G, but quickly becomes frustrated when not everyone follows his instructions exactly as he wants them to. He wants to read and learn and do, and isn’t patient enough to learn them all slowly. He has bigger emotions than he has words to describe them, and goes back and forth wildly from independent and mean, to small and cuddly and begging me to lie in his bed with him. He knows Kindergarten is coming, and is both excited and nervous, which is probably more than I can say for myself. The only good thing I can see about him starting Kindergarten is a lower daycare bill.

I love watching him learn, think and discover, though. When he woke up on President’s day he asked me if we get presents on President’s day, and later he told me that F is zero and a half now. “I gave her my half, and now I’m only four again!”

G has been coming into his own lately. Sure he still follows E around and will sometimes change his favorite color to whatever E answers, but he’s getting his confidence. Doing what makes him happy, even if that’s scribbling when E says you should only color in the lines. He’s sweet and cuddly and loves his baa baas. He likes to boop F’s nose, but otherwise mostly ignores her. He’s been telling me lately “Mama you’re my best!” Not best friend, or best mama, just his best.

Other things I’ve found myself writing down as they come out of his mouth lately: “I can’t fork it!” he’ll cry when he’s trying to eat something on his plate and can’t cut a bite off easily. We were eating a cheesecake we’d made on our most recent snow day, and he was getting so frustrated with the crust, but I couldn’t stop laughing at his expression. Later he needed some more water and I asked him if he could help wipe up some of what had spilled. “I can’t because I don’t want to,” he told me. At least he’s honest?

Overall we’ve been doing what we do best - we stay home and play outside. We go overboard celebrating holidays, and we plan for things to look forward to in the future. We have ideas and adventures we want to see happen.. but all we can do is wait and see.

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