Seven Months

Nick Names: Baby baby
Height: 25.75 inches (39th percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds 4 ounces (60th percentile)
Head: 16.75 inches (30the percentile)
Special Outings: FLORIDA! The Farmer’s Market, Playground, Jordan’s Furniture, Walmart
Visitors: Raina
Loves: People, Cats
Hates: Being outside

After a few boring months, this was a big one for you! Not only did you leave the house, you left the state and flew all the way to Florida! And then we discovered that you aren’t really used to being outside, and it’s a huge adjustment. We’ll just say it wasn’t your favorite, so after a trip to a playground, a hike to the river, and a farmer’s market all in the first two days, we mostly let you stay in the house after that.

You are still the most chill baby (or maybe it’s us as parents). You were definitely the best flier in the family - always happy, looking around and making friends, taking a few naps here and there. Nothing bothered you, even though I’m sure you were taking in so much new information. The whole week you adjusted great, although it probably helped that you were surrounded by people that you knew - your family, your Aunt Raina, and your grandparents. You didn’t mind who woke you up from your nap or fed you.

You’re mostly content to sit and watch what’s going on, and when you’d like attention you just get LOUD. You screech, you sing, you make wah wahs with your mouth and your fist until someone notices you and picks you up. And how do you not notice a baby doing that. At your recent doctor’s appointment our pediatrician asked Tom if you made noises and almost on cue you started making sounds with your fist against your mouth. The pediatrician was impressed and declared she’d never seen that before.

These days you’re sitting great, and moving around a bit. No signs of crawling yet, and all we have to say about that is THANK YOU. You’re still exploring food too - not great at actually eating it, but you’re very enthusiastic when someone decides to share with you. You’re so lucky to have two older siblings who love to do just that. You’re going to be so spoiled with them - they run to you when you cry and dance and make faces until you’re happy again. They bring you toys, refer to you as “my baby” and love to squeeze you. You are so loved.

But mostly I think the biggest update is how there isn’t one really. You are adapting at life so easily - you sleep you eat you play. You join us on whatever activities we decide to do, and while we may joke about you having an unhappy face, you really don’t get upset. Whether that’s your personality or it’s us knowing how to predict what a baby wants or needs, everything just seems to work with you as part of our family.

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