
This year has really been an experiment in the minimal amount of brain power required to still function as an adult. Something about this pandemic and repetitive home monotony has turned my brain to mush. Add in all the insane things happening in the world, and my brain just wants to shut down, instead of think of the consequences of an attempted coup.

So of course it’s super fun to add in pregnancy brain, plus nausea medication that includes a time released sleeping pill that keeps me in a never ending fog.

That can only mean two things - one, writing blog posts that are coherent is almost impossible right now, and two, more than ever I feel like I need to write down things that are happening, because otherwise I’m going to forget everything. So here’s a brain dump.

  • G has started to sing lately. Full on, made up songs that he sings to himself. Loudly. He’ll be coloring or eating dinner and just belting out whatever song comes to mind. When E tells him that it hurts his ears, G only sings louder

  • Although neither kid knows that a younger sibling will be coming at some point (we’ll wait a few months before we tell them), E has kindly offered up his crib “in case we have another baby some day.” However, he prefers that baby sleep in G’s room “since it’s bigger.”

  • E’s big kid bed is coming soon. He seems excited, but he is SO attached to that crib, we’ll see how it goes. I’m not sure I’m ready for a child to be free roaming at night - it’s a good thing E is pretty much a rule follower.

  • G has his 2 year doctor’s appointment recently, and while it went better than his 18 month one (where he screamed so loud I couldn’t hear anything the doctor said), he still is not a fan of doctor’s offices. True to form, he continued to relive his “trauma” for the next few days. “My scared. Doctor get me! All done!” For the record, there were no shots, and he never had to leave my lap. Still his little short breaths and hiccups as he freaked out in my arms was pretty miserable.

  • We’re really struggling with the cold weather lately. Normally we’d use the opportunity to hit up the mall, Jordan’s or other indoor places to kill a few hours. With that not an option anymore, we’re all getting cabin fever. We take the kids outside whenever the temperature isn’t completely freezing, but G inevitably runs over to us crying begging “Inside! Inside! Too cold!!” E does a bit better as long as you give him a job - shoveling snow, moving rocks in his wheelbarrow.. we’ve even pulled out our leaf blower and let him walk around the yard with it.

  • This is a really late update, but the kittens have all gone to their new homes and are doing great! Weedwacker, Sesame and Oscar are all with families that couldn’t be more perfect for them, and we get regular updates, while Cookie and Abby have stayed with us. E immediately liked them more once the other kittens were gone. Everything feels a bit calmer and E will tell you that he loves his kitties and pets and plays with them often.

I’m sure there’s more I’ve been meaning to say, but it will have to come later..


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