Here We Go Again


This past year, as awful as it’s been at times, has also taught me a lot. About what’s important, what makes me happy, and what I think is really important in life. I’ve also realized I no longer have the energy to waste on things like keeping secrets. And so, one of the bigger secrets I’ve had to keep in my adult life, I have no interest in keeping again.

I’m pregnant!

And yes, I’m telling you this before I’m “supposed” to announce it. My first pregnancy we announced around 13 weeks, and my second around 19. And now I’m telling you at 5. What have I learned from three pregnancies? There’s no perfect time to announce.

Which means, yes, I could be updating you with a miscarriage at some point. But you know what? I’ve had multiple friends and family follow the “rules” and end up with a stillborn baby. Waiting does not keep you safe. There’s going to be worries and uncertainties no matter when you tell people. I’m also aware people will have opinions on, well everything. The number of children they think you should have, how you raise them, as well as when you announce. So knowing that there is no time that will satisfy everyone, we’re doing what feels right to us this time.

So here’s what’s important: We’re excited!

I think we’ve always planned for, and been headed towards three. It doesn’t mean it was a known conclusion, of course. It’s something we’ve talked about and thought about a lot. Also the pandemic had us weighing options and timing. In the end, though, I think this is what’s right for our family.

Or will be, once I get over this awful nausea. I’m currently in the process of begging a doctor I’ve never met to give me a prescription, while eating my pasta with Italian dressing, and just trying to get through the day. The first few weeks really are miserable. Let’s stop hiding that and normalize what pregnancy really looks like, okay?


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