Is This Your First or Second?

7 Weeks

SneakPeek Gender test

I think we surprised a few people with our decision to have more than two kids (although I think those who know us the best saw it coming), because I’m definitely realizing that most people expect you to stop at one or two. Two is normal, one is understood, but and more than that and you start getting questions and looks.

Even my doctor’s office, when setting up my appointment asked me “Is this your first or second pregnancy?” …Um third?

Does that make me an expert? I’ll tell you one thing, the symptoms certainly came harder and faster this time around. I’m on medication for nausea again - my last pregnancy I was on from week 8 until 22 I believe. So it’s probably not reassuring that I wasn’t even 6 weeks when I was calling a doctor I’ve never met and begging for a prescription. Now that it’s built up in my system, though, I’m able to get through the day. I still don’t feel great, and I’m exhausted due to the sleeping pill part of the medication, and it’s still a struggle to find things I can or like to eat. One of the only things that tastes good to me (I call it my magical sandwich) is the bacon egg and gouda sandwich at Starbucks. It immediately makes my nausea go away in the mornings. I’m pretty sure I got addicted to these during my last pregnancy.

Going into this pregnancy knowing it will be our last does feel different, though. I’m trying to enjoy it (as much as I can) and write down what I can. I’ve already forgotten so much from my previous ones. I’m also trying to decide if there’s anything I want to do with this pregnancy that I didn’t with previous ones. Sort of a last chance thing. On the list so far is possible newborn photos - something we’ve never done before, and I think I might regret if I don’t try them once.

Another thing on my list? Finding out the gender early with a home test. I wasn’t even aware this was a possibility with E, and with G I had a vague notion, but ended up doing the blood test at the doctor’s office at 12ish weeks. I’ve known a few other people who did these home tests, though, and it always seemed fun to me, so I bought one.

Well it seemed fun until I read about what I needed to do. There were so many steps, and so many places where things could go wrong. The fact that I live with 3 boys makes the possibility of cross contamination extremely high as well. So I’ve already decided that when I get the results I’ll treat them as a wives tale of sorts. Possibly the gender, but we’ll wait until later to confirm.


We haven’t gotten the question yet, but I’m expecting it, so I’ll put this out there now: No, we did not get pregnant a third time so we could try for a girl. I think we’ve always wanted three kids, and with this pregnancy I actually care about the gender much less than I did previously. I’ll be happy with any baby. So no, we’re not hoping for one thing or another - we just need to know so we can pick a name.

I can’t ever decide if I like a name or not until I know what we’re having. And if we do have to come up with another boy name, we’re going to need as much time as possible to come up with it!

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