A Few Firsts


So these probably aren’t the normal first that we usually celebrate, but we’ll mention them here just the same. They’re still a part of life, and worth documenting.

Starting with, a first for our eldest tiny human - E’s first bee sting! For some a childhood rite of passage, while others reach adulthood without ever getting stung. Oddly enough I had just been talking to my best friend about how her daughter (and one of E’s best friends) had stepped on a bee two days earlier and gotten stung. I never imagined that he’d be following right behind her!

We didn’t actually see what happened, but we heard the scream and found the bee flopping around. It ended up being on his inner thigh, but luckily the stinger wasn’t in his leg, so not much needed to be done. Some ice, some Motrin, and a lot of cuddles, and he was ready to go. And now he has a shared experience to talk about with his friend!

As for a not yet born tiny human’s first (okay more my first, but we’ll let it count) - baby’s first Covid test! So I’ve managed to catch my first cold since 2019, and I’m not a fan. Besides the fact we’re all out of practice getting sick (I can’t believe I used to drag myself to the office like this?) but being sick while pregnant is always annoying because there’s not a ton of medicine I can take to feel better. I was fairly certain it was just a cold, but given some of the delta variant symptoms and the fact we were seeing people the next week, I decided to take a Covid test.

Somehow we’re almost 18 months into this pandemic, and this was our family’s first Covid test! Part luck, part staying pretty isolated, but it did seem like a milestone - even if it’s an odd one. Luckily it came back negative, so at least I’m saddled with a normal, run of the mill cold. It was a little odd on my latest visit to the hospital to answer yes to some of the questions you get asked every time (Do you have any of the following symptoms, have you taken a Covid test recently, etc).

As for G, I’m not sure he’s had any first’s lately.. although we did have him and E sleep in a room together for the first time recently. Technically a first for both of them, but maybe we’ll count it. Bedtime went better than I expected - they both went to bed pretty much straight away. Where it all fell apart was the mornings. I guess both of them are used to waking up, rolling around and going back to bed. BUT when their brother is right there… well no one went back to sleep.

It’s a time of life, and I know it will get easier, so I’m trying not to stress too much that it’s not perfect now. It honestly was better than I was expecting, so there was that!


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