Bits and Pieces


Just a quick update of some random phrases that have been said recently and I want to remember.

  • Recently I was playing with E and his Legos, when I noticed one of the little Lego dogs was in the car he was driving around. “Is that dog driving a car?! Dogs can’t drive!” I told him. Except he had a great comeback and told me, “It’s okay, she’s 16, so she can!”

  • We were folding laundry the other day, which included a bunch of cot sheets we’d just bought for daycare. E was bringing them to me, and then I would label them and fold them, and Tom was putting them away. G decided to help, and was running off with them into E’s room. At one point, Tom couldn’t figure out where G had put the sheets. He followed him and realized he’d been throwing them in the diaper trash can.
    ”What!? Why are you putting them there? No! How many are in there!???” Tom could be heard from the other room. And then G’s infectious laugh as he exclaimed “FIVE!” and ran off. (Which doesn’t tell us much, since five is his answer for everything, but there were definitely a few in there that Tom had to fish out and then rewash…)

  • G says “I am” a lot when you ask him a question, except it comes out more like “I mam” which makes me think he’s saying “Yes m’am” every single time. And it makes me laugh.

  • Every time I ask E how his new school is, he starts off with “Well… you can’t believe this!” And then he’ll follow it with some story from finding a vacuum he didn’t know existed or what some other kid had done or a food he’d had for snack. I have no idea where he picked up the phrase, but it’s definitely my new favorite.

  • E is very excited to call himself a pre-kindergartener and so G wanted a new title too. He wasn’t happy with E calling him a baby, so at one point I said something like “Well he’s not really a baby, he’s a toddler.” G, having no idea what that means, is just thrilled at the promotion. Every day on the ride home he likes to chant “I’m a toddler! I’m a toddler!” for the entire ride.

  • Since we have a baby arriving soonish, both kids have been paying a bit more attention to babies in the real world. Every time G sees one, he runs up to the parent and says “You have a baby! It’s so little! I like your baby!!”

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