
Baby F is less newborn infant, and more baby lately. It means she’s awake for longer stretches of time, and starting to pay attention to us. She loves when we talk to her and gets all excited and tries to copy us. Her mouth moves like crazy and her eyes get wide and when she finally gets a noise out, you can tell she’s absolutely thrilled with herself. So lately I spend a lot of time staring into her eyes and saying “Alpo” over and over to her as she watches intently and tries speak. I understand that sounds odd, but stay with me for a minute.

Growing up, my uncle was one of my favorite people. It wasn’t uncommon for him to live with us in the summer - he was just visiting, but when he came he’d stay for long enough it felt like he was just another member of our household. He’d work on project around the house, and he’d also take care of our dog. My parents and I are probably the only non dog-obsessed people in our family. We’re the only ones right now that don’t own one. Yet when I was growing up we had KSO. He was an unusual dog (let’s start with the fact that KSO was actually a female, but I’ve almost always referred to her as masculine), smelled absolutely nasty and would leave your hand all greasy if you decided to pet her, and could eat a squirrel whole.

I don’t remember ever brushing KSO, but my uncle did. My uncle would teach our dogs tricks (KSO wasn’t great at it, but previous dogs we’d had faired a bit better), and generally spend time with them. KSO was a pretty vocal dog when she was a puppy, but not just barking. KSO spoke? Sang? Yowled? Whatever it was, it was unique and entertaining. And occasionally sounded like “AHHHLLL”

My uncle used to joke that it sounded like KSO was/could maybe say “Alpo” and if we could get it on film, we could sell it to the dog food company and we’d be rich! So I have memories of him looking deep into KSO’s eyes and saying “Alpo. AL-PO. Ahhhowwpoe!” trying to get the dog to copy him. It never happened, of course, but it always made me laugh, and it’s something I think about even to this day. And so when my baby starts trying to vocalize, I laugh and say “Alpo” - I’m pretty sure if we could get our baby to say it, it would only be slightly less cool than if a dog did.

F isn’t the only one saying interesting things lately. I often wish I had a tape recorder going in this house, because E & G always make me laugh with the things that come out of their mouths. I forget so much of it, but occasionally I remember to write something down. So to further document a few things that have been said around here lately:

E calls geckos “echoes” and will tell you that his brother is the “medium” child instead of the middle child. Unlike me, he might be a dog person. The other day he told us: “I had a dream that when I’m older I’m going to want a dog. I’ll let you know.” How much older will you be, I asked him. “Um maybe when I’m like 20.” I told him that would be a perfect age to get a dog, and I fully supported him. “It’s going to be rainbow sparkle. A big one and a little one. Two of them!” Go right ahead kid. Actually if you find a rainbow sparkle dog, maybe I’ll even get one…

We often laugh that neither of my children know my first name, but it’s only been solidified lately as G has started calling me “Miss Mama.” I’m sure it’s a result of calling his daycare teachers in that form all day, but I laugh every time it happens.

I caught him in the master bathroom the other day talking to the cats and sniffing the air. “Yucky! Kitties! Where are you? Did you poop?” Then turning around and seeing me, he offered an explanation “They’re lying!” he told me.

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