Catching Up on Videos!

I don’t even know who I am anymore - posting two videos in as many weeks? It makes me look like a functioning adult without a million things on her to-do list. Of course that’s not true, just yesterday I managed to bake a breakfast casserole without adding the eggs. My brain is all sorts of mush still, but photo stuff just has a way of creeping to the top of my to do list this time of year.

So while our house may be dirty, E’s bed is half made, and we’re choosing between leftovers or trying my non egg casserole for lunch, you at least benefit from another video.

A lot of things have changed in the months since this video. G’s room has been redone (well emptied) and he no longer sits in a high chair, at his request. A few things still feel the same though. Their love of dressing alike, E’s constant need to be cooking something, and the request to sing songs all the time. Also, G will 100% still get into any container of wipes left within his reach (which includes anything he can get to with a step stool he’s carried over to your hiding place). He will then empty the wipes container, clean my floors, and throw away the wipes when he’s done. I mean.. it’s not the worst trouble he could be getting into?


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