Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is so Fun

How about a random pregnancy facts and symptoms post?

We all know the fun fact that blood volumes increases in pregnancy, right? Up to 50% more than a woman usually has in her body, which can lead to some weird symptoms. Like pulsatile tinnitus. The current bane of my existence. All day long, instead of hearing co-workers, my children, or the TV, I hear “Woosh woosh woosh woosh.” And if I dare bend over, walk up the stairs or do, well, anything.. it gets louder and appears in both ears instead of just one.

Oh Right, I'm Pregnant

Second trimester - the small window of time where I can go moments or hours where I feel normal and forget I’m pregnant. Which I realize sounds crazy because there’s also some baby doing cannonballs in my belly, but it’s easy to be distracted when you’re chasing a 2 and 3 year old around.

Sure there are symptoms - pains here and there, I’m bigger and slower and quickly out of breath. Heartburn is returning, it’s harder to eat big meals - all things I’ve dealt with before. Maybe that’s why I can still feel “normal.” Although the tinnitus is new, and one symptom I definitely would be okay with going away…

By the Numbers

I’m actually doing okay this week, physically at least. Mentally I’m all over the place. Both with worrying about E (even though I know he’s fine) and new baby (who’s going to be uber monitored so I also shouldn’t be worried), but I really feel like I could use a relaxing vacation or something right now (never going to happen).

Let's Be Honest

Not that I haven’t been, but I’m not sure I’ve been brutally honest lately either.

This pregnancy is hard.

I wasn’t shy last time from letting people know that I didn’t enjoy being pregnant. And that’s still true. Sure there are some things that are fun (getting seats on the T!), but overall, it’s not the best experience for me.

Third Trimester

It’s time to get BIG!

Seriously though. They say that everything happens quicker in subsequent pregnancies because your body remembers this time around, but whoa is it true. It’s like my body just said “oh remember what it felt like to be 9 months pregnant? Let’s jump there NOW!”

So I’m feeling very big, and slow, and out of breath. I can’t breathe very well and doing almost anything leaves me panting. Who would have thought sitting on the couch would be so hard? My clothes are already uncomfortable, and it’s already impossible for me to find a position to sleep or sit in that feels good.

GOOD Pregnancy Update

This pregnancy is actually going.. okay? 

Which is funny to say because I was SO SICK for such a long time, and I'm sore and in pain a lot, and the heartburn has started to return... but I actually feel like time is passing quickly.  I'm not sure if it's because instead of sitting on the couch thinking about being pregnant I'm chasing around a 1 year old.. or if it's the time of year. 

Whatever You Do, Don't Google

The anatomy scan!

Last time we were super excited to find out the gender and we counted down the days to the scan.  This time, I went alone and almost fell asleep in the room.  It's not my fault - it's a dark room, with white noise pumped in, and they lie you down on a bed while no one really talks for an hour.  Sure there's a screen showing you what's going on, but it's like watching an old black and white movie with no sound on a tv channel you don't really get a good signal on and it's full of static. 

Lesser of Two Evils

So I mentioned that I asked for nausea medication this time around.  I'm not sure why, but morning sickness hit me so much worse this time around.  And even worse that last time, I couldn't just sit on the couch when I felt horrible - I had a baby to chase around. 

There were nights when Tom would come home to find E half in his PJs, using me as a jungle gym while I was lying on the floor of his bedroom trying not to throw up.  It wasn't sustainable.  So I filled my prescription and wondered if it would change anything.  And boy did it.  They are magical magic pills that took away the nausea completely.  

Analyzing Pregnancy

So I've been thinking a lot lately how pregnancy is different from what I expected.  Some things are exactly what I expected, but a lot of things totally caught me off guard.  I will say that this was written on a good day, during a good week.  If I re-wrote this on one of my bad days, it might be a little less optimistic haha.  Luckily my bad days have been pretty rare lately though.  


At this point in my pregnancy, I guess the best way to describe how I'm feeling, is that I'm adjusting.  This has become my new normal, and I've just accepted it.  It's like it my mind I'm going to be pregnant forever, and will always have to deal with these symptoms. 

I suppose that's good, because it means I haven't had any melt downs or bad days in a while, but it also means I'm in complete denial that this pregnancy will end, and rather soon.

I Don't Think I Can

Week 28... the week that broke me. 

Some women are really good at being pregnant.  Some love it.  A coworker of mine has 4 children and confessed she had thought about being a surrogate she loved it so much.  All I can think about is, "WHY DIDN'T I HIRE A SURROGATE!?"  I'm obviously not one of those women who love this.  I hate it, it's horrible, and this week I've officially reached my breaking point.  

Third Trimester: In Like a Lion

...out like a lamb?

A girl can hope, right?  Either way, I'm missing my second trimester easiness.  Suddenly the heartburn is here every day and will. not. go. away.  Things are sore and painful (omg so painful!), and I swear I'm getting bigger every day!  One day my jacket still zips fine, and two days later it's too small!   One day I can easily get my shoes on, and the next my belly seems to be getting in the way. 

The First Heartbeat: Sort Of

Alternatively titled, "How I almost gave Tom a heart attack."

So the first appointment I had was with a midwife, and was supposed to be mostly a checkup for me, and gathering a medical history.  It was in the middle of the day and Tom had to work, so I went alone.  I'd already gotten all the medical information from him, so it wasn't a big deal.  At the very end of the appointment, the midwife decided to try and do a quick ultrasound to check and make sure it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy. 

Pregnancy: The Symptoms

I mostly didn't know what to expect for pregnancy symptoms.  I figured I'd be puking in garbage cans left and right and making Tom go out in the middle of the night to buy me pickles.  (Again, thanks movies).  I've seen friends and family members pregnant before, and it didn't seem that bad?  But as I soon found out, most of pregnancy is about suffering in private. 

Seriously, who decided that the worst pregnancy symptoms would happen at the beginning when you're not supposed to be telling anyone you're pregnant!?  It's the worst cruel joke nature could play on you.  I was lying and faking my way through life while feeling like I was going to die at the same time.  I was also feeling a bit dramatic haha.