Glucose Test

Sugar Sugar

Anyone who’s been around for my previous pregnancies knows my history with the glucose tests - as in I’ve never passed the 1 hour test and have had to take the 3 hour test each pregnancy (which I passed for both E and G!)

So this time I talked to one of the doctors about my history and whether jumping to the 3 hour test would make sense. She agreed, and so it was scheduled during a time I needed labs drawn anyway. So that’s how I found myself enjoying my day off in the lab of the local hospital.

More Appointments, More Sugar

Since my last update (only a week ago!), I’ve had three more appointments scheduled. Yes, it’s getting ridiculous.

They were all interesting for different reasons. One was for my three hour glucose test - yup as predicted, I failed the one hour test again. So off I went to spend three hours sitting in a waiting room, drinking super sweet orange drink, and getting my blood taken a million times. I’m almost getting good at it! Fasting, chugging the drink, bringing a book to read, and then packing food to eat for after.

Third Trimester

It’s time to get BIG!

Seriously though. They say that everything happens quicker in subsequent pregnancies because your body remembers this time around, but whoa is it true. It’s like my body just said “oh remember what it felt like to be 9 months pregnant? Let’s jump there NOW!”

So I’m feeling very big, and slow, and out of breath. I can’t breathe very well and doing almost anything leaves me panting. Who would have thought sitting on the couch would be so hard? My clothes are already uncomfortable, and it’s already impossible for me to find a position to sleep or sit in that feels good.

Double the Sugar, Double the Fun

So fun fact: when you have to take the 3 hour glucose test, the drink you're given has apparently twice the sugar as the drink from the 1 hour test!  (Apparently that's what the 50/100 numbers mean).  Although besides it being a bit more bubbly than the previous one, I didn't notice much of a difference.  I chugged it as quickly as I had last time, and then followed it by a bunch of water.  It's really not the worst part of the test.

Sugar High

I must say, for all the fear and anxiety that usually comes along with this test, it might be the easiest and most relaxing thing I've had to do this pregnancy!

Yup, it was time for the dreaded glucose/diabetes test.  This is the test where you're given an extremely sweet drink that tastes like flat orange soda (that also happens to burns your throat), and you have to finish it within 5 minutes of taking your first sip.  Then an hour later, you get your blood drawn.