Morning Sickness

Lesser of Two Evils

So I mentioned that I asked for nausea medication this time around.  I'm not sure why, but morning sickness hit me so much worse this time around.  And even worse that last time, I couldn't just sit on the couch when I felt horrible - I had a baby to chase around. 

There were nights when Tom would come home to find E half in his PJs, using me as a jungle gym while I was lying on the floor of his bedroom trying not to throw up.  It wasn't sustainable.  So I filled my prescription and wondered if it would change anything.  And boy did it.  They are magical magic pills that took away the nausea completely.  

The First Heartbeat: Sort Of

Alternatively titled, "How I almost gave Tom a heart attack."

So the first appointment I had was with a midwife, and was supposed to be mostly a checkup for me, and gathering a medical history.  It was in the middle of the day and Tom had to work, so I went alone.  I'd already gotten all the medical information from him, so it wasn't a big deal.  At the very end of the appointment, the midwife decided to try and do a quick ultrasound to check and make sure it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy. 

Pregnancy: The Symptoms

I mostly didn't know what to expect for pregnancy symptoms.  I figured I'd be puking in garbage cans left and right and making Tom go out in the middle of the night to buy me pickles.  (Again, thanks movies).  I've seen friends and family members pregnant before, and it didn't seem that bad?  But as I soon found out, most of pregnancy is about suffering in private. 

Seriously, who decided that the worst pregnancy symptoms would happen at the beginning when you're not supposed to be telling anyone you're pregnant!?  It's the worst cruel joke nature could play on you.  I was lying and faking my way through life while feeling like I was going to die at the same time.  I was also feeling a bit dramatic haha.