Random Thoughts and a Bunch of Links

It's that time again! 

It's getting warmer, the food trucks are attracting large numbers of people, the farmer's market is back in Dewey Square, and my favorite mural space is getting and update!  

This random building in the Greenway gets a refresh every few years.  It's always sad to see a piece of artwork painted over (especially one that held memories for us), but it's also exciting to see a new one emerge.  

This morning I stopped briefly on my walk into work to check the progress being made.  It looks super cool, and I'm always so impressed with artists who can paint on such a large scale.  

I know everyone has been talking royal wedding lately, but I'm still hung up on the latest royal baby!  Mostly I was name stalking, since after Princess Charlotte was born, her name skyrocketed in popularity.  I tend to keep track of name trends like that, since I try to avoid super popular names, so I was waiting to see what the new Prince would be called if only to avoid that name in the future. 

While I was doing that, I stumbled across this tweet which made Tom and I laugh, so I thought I'd share: 


I've yet to refer to E as His Royal Highness Prince Bubba, but maybe I should start?? He already calls most of the shots around the house, it wouldn't be a stretch to call Tom and I his royal servants haha.  

In other news, tomorrow's my birthday!! 

I've got the day off of work and plans to party!  Not really, but E and I will be spending the day together with friends, and if he's lucky maybe we'll split a treat. It's crazy how quick this birthday has snuck up on me.  Maybe I've been busy focusing on something else?  But when I heard the date on the radio yesterday, it shocked me.  Wow! That's really close to my birthday! 

Last year I was very pregnant, and okay with it, and had no idea what the upcoming weekend would hold for us.  I'm sure I'll spend this coming weekend reflecting on last year.  Saturday will be the one year anniversary of my water breaking.  Sunday will be the one year anniversary of the day I spent laboring all day in the hospital (and the one year anniversary of our new couch!!).  And then of course Monday will be the one year anniversary of meeting our little E.  

In other news, it's not too late to help other babies in need!  

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