A First Birthday Party

Our last FIRST birthday!

It wasn’t as big as our other parties, but it was as normal as you could get for a pandemic first birthday. A nice bridge into the future maybe?

And since this is a party more for the parents than for the one year old, I threw myself into the theme that I got to pick - Ladybugs! I had fun finding cute plates and banners and cupcake toppers, and F had fun getting her first taste of frosting. She also got her own cake a few days later, which I’ll post a separate update about, but safe to say frosting is her favorite and she can take or leave the actual cake/cupcakes.

F doesn’t really have her own friends yet, but she loves to follow around her big brothers and their friends, and they love her just as much, so they all had a great time celebrating her. We had ladybug crafts, tattoos and snacks, and mostly they all the big kids ran around and tried to claim all her new birthday toys as their own. I’m pretty sure F enjoyed the chaos, but wow was she tired and took some good naps the day after.

This year has gone by exceptionally fast, and it’s crazy to me that we don’t have a baby anymore. It’s so much fun to watch her explore and experience things, so that helps a bit, but I do miss my tiny baby snuggles!

So even though she won’t remember the party, it was important for all of us to celebrate this year.

E loves any sort of birthday or celebration, and all kinds of decorations, so he was super thrilled about the party. We also got some helium balloons, which was probably G’s favorite part. And of course the unlimited snacks, cake and other goodies helped.

F and I also accidentally matched on the party day which was hilarious but cute.

I can’t believe we’ve made it a year!

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