A Baby Toddler Update

These days all blur together and disappear so quickly that I’m worried I’m going to forget everything about them. Besides the fact that my brain doesn’t seem to be working right now, I feel like I haven’t written anything down in a while. So bear with me as I try to put together some semblance of an update on not so baby G.

Currently G is napping, but I just heard “leh-low!” over the baby monitor. I can’t tell if he’s dreaming about his favorite color, or he just woke up and decided to start naming things he loves.

Included in that category would be any stuffed sheep. The other day he was going through a toy bin and found another one (I’ve spent a lifetime collecting them, so trust me when I say there’s a lot to be found), and promptly ran off with it and threw it in his crib. He hasn’t let go of it since. It’s equal parts adorable and difficult, since he won’t let me pick him up out of his crib in the mornings unless he’s holding all of them - and at this point he has more “baa baas” than arms. Okay, so that’s adorable too.

For some reason he’s obsessed with their fuzz. He’s started doing this odd thing where he grabs some fur from his baa baas and pulls it off, and then rubs it in front of his nose and giggles. I think he likes that it tickles? I’m not sure, but if you take the fuzz away, he just grabs some more and does it again.

He still loves to sing, and often demands slippery fish, the wheels on the bus, or more often lately it’s been bringing home a baby bumblebee. He’ll run up with his hands clasped begging you to sing. We hadn’t listened to baby shark in a while, but I played that the other day and he shrieked and did the whole dance.

He loves anything big. Big trucks, big rocks, bigger is always better. He’ll jump off the last step and exclaim“biggg jump!” almost every time.

Unsurprisingly he wants to do everything his brother does, and apparently, say everything his brother does. Which is why you’ll hear him saying “Oh man!” if you drop something. Another favorite is “no way!“

I think he’s learned all of his colors at this point, which means he’s less obsessed with running around and demanding you tell him what color everything is. Instead, he’ll usually only point out yellow and black, his two favorites.

The other day E and Tom had a special date to go get gas and get me a coffee (seriously, that’s what passes for excitement these days), which left G and I home alone. His attention span is two minutes at most these days, so it was interesting to watch him run around the house, switching activities nonstop. At one point he decided he wanted to play with my calculators - he had one and he’d given me one too. He was pressing buttons, and so I started trying to figure out what I could spell with the numbers. I thought G was still playing with his until I heard some talking, and I looked up to see him playing with my phone. Somehow he’d switched my phone (which was in my lap) with a calculator and I hadn’t noticed.

He is mischievous and excited and loves to make people laugh. We had a zoom video call with some of his classmates recently, and he spent the entire thing making faces and noises so the other kids would laugh.


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