Random Thoughts


I kept trying to tie all this together but in reality, here’s a brain dump of things. I’ll blame it on Sicktober, which yes, has followed us into a new month. I refuse to believe that we’re just going to be sick forever. Croup, De Quervain’s Tenosynovis, Scarlet Fever/ Strep Throat, colds, viruses, infected noses. We’ve had it ALL, and I’m done with it. But please excuse any randomness or confusion on the many things I’m trying to recover from.

We’re also in this weird time between Halloween and Christmas where we’ve taken down most of the pumpkins but it’s probably too early for Christmas trees? We’ve got some fun Thanksgiving related activities coming up, so we have things to look forward to, but for now we’re focusing on taking it easy, feeling better, and getting some snuggles.

One of the fun things we did last month that I don’t think I shared, was take E to a cooking class. Him and his best friend got to be mini chefs at a class aimed at toddlers. The funny part was I probably let E do more of the actual cooking at home than they did in the class, but the end result was cupcakes they got to decorate and eat, so he was pretty excited. Ever since the class he’s been cooking “orange cake” in his play kitchen, and has been more excited to wear his apron lately too.

He’s been learning like crazy lately. It’s almost hard to keep track, but it seems like each week there’s another thing he’s figured out or caught on to. Yesterday it was finally figuring out how to hold up two fingers in “V” shape. Forever, when you asked him how old he was, he’d hold up all five fingers spread out and say “TWO!” He’d look at our fingers and try to make his do the same thing, but he wasn’t there yet. Well now he’s figured it out and is VERY proud.

As for baby G, I think I keep forgetting how old he is, since he still spends most of his time on his belly. While he can sit, he doesn’t like to. He has no interest in crawling either. And yes, he can pull up, but it’s rare that you’ll see him do that either (although that is increasing). Instead he likes to hang out on his belly and flop around. As a result, every time you see him it looks like he’s wearing a v-neck that goes down to his belly button, since it’s so stretched out from his belly scoot.

Just like his big brother, he’s a drooler too. He’s always wet, and so is everything around him. Don’t pick him up before you go to work, since your shirt will have little G wet marks all over them.

He’s recently upped his mimic game lately. I think we’re officially calling “uh oh” his first word, since he’s not only been using it pretty consistently over the past week, he seems to have a bit of understanding around it. As in he’ll push his food and water cup off his high chair tray and then look at us and say “uh oh!” No one is more excited than him - it’s like he’s finally figured out the magic ticket into a club he’s been wanting to join.


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