Red Sox

Another Adventure

Did I go overboard this summer? Yes, I definitely did.

But let me explain my thinking: E needed to do something this summer. The other two are in daycare, but we needed to find a care option for E, and that meant paying money for camps. So my first plan was to find a way to pay for less weeks of camps. This was also around the time that my employer was calling us back into the office at regular intervals, which is not something I enjoy.

So I figured if there was a way to not go into the office, not pay for camp, and also go on vacations I’ve always dreamed of going on with my children, it would be win-win-win! Part of this is the pandemics fault, because we’ve been trapped at home for so long that we’ve been dreaming up quite a list of places we wanted to go.

A Big Adventure

It all started with an Instagram ad.

Huh - that’s interesting, I remember thinking. I texted it to Tom as an almost joke – wouldn’t we be crazy if we did this? He immediately was on board and started talking about logistics and I got scared and backed way off. I wasn’t serious! We couldn’t do that! Let me think about it.

And I thought about it the entire way home. And after I put the boys to bed. And it seemed… possible?

So I went back to Tom and told him I think we should attempt it. Because why not. If we failed miserably, at least we’d have something to put in the baby book.

Just Me

Sometimes I feel like this past year has turned me from Caitlin into a mom, and nothing more.  Don't get me wrong, being a mom is awesome, but every once in a while something happens that leaves me feeling a little funny.  Someone will ask me a question I normally would know the answer to, and I realize I have no clue. 

For instance, I went to a Red Sox game recently!  There was a time where I'd go to 10-15 games a season, and lately I'm lucky when I average one.  This was actually a pretty easy game to go to, but it still required a bit of planning.  I went with my co-workers, and it was a 1:05 game.  Tom worked from home so he could do daycare pickup, but I still managed to get home for bedtime.  

Littlest Sox Fan

While it wasn't his first Sox game, it was his first visit to Fenway South for spring training.  You know we couldn't let a trip to Florida pass by without a Red Sox game! 

The whole week was full of new experiences, big crowds, and schedule changes for E.  It was a lot to take in, and sensory overload for sure.  We did our best to make sure he still had some sort of a schedule, and got enough sleep, but he was still overwhelmed at points.  

We Survived!

I alluded to it in E's nine month update, but we recently went on a BIG TRIP!

Now this wasn't what I would have considered a big trip, pre-baby.  In fact it was a trip I've made many times with various people.  My parents go to Florida every year for spring training, and so I've visited them there multiple times.  With cousins, with best friends, with Tom...  Easy, quick trips. 

Let's Go Red Sox

Because it's been a while since we've been outside of the house past 6pm.  Because we don't get many "just for fun" outings any more.   Because we need to learn how to do this.  Because when Northeastern has Red Sox/Yankee tickets, you can't say no.  Because even though your son is only two and a half months old, he's two and a half months old and going to his first Red Sox game!  Against the Yankees!  Because we just gave him bragging rights for life.

And so we went.