Lap Infant

The Flights

Allow me to completely skip over our vacation for a minute, an answer the question that everyone really wants to know: How did we survive flying with a baby?  

Not easily. 

While it worked out pretty well, and I haven't ruled out flying in the future, it was something I spent a lot of time thinking about and planning for.  I always find I handle situations better if I've run though every possibility ahead of time, so that when something does happen, I don't have to think.  I just react.  And I've got everything I could need at hand, so I can do it quickly.

We Survived!

I alluded to it in E's nine month update, but we recently went on a BIG TRIP!

Now this wasn't what I would have considered a big trip, pre-baby.  In fact it was a trip I've made many times with various people.  My parents go to Florida every year for spring training, and so I've visited them there multiple times.  With cousins, with best friends, with Tom...  Easy, quick trips.