Mother's Day

Mother's and Mama Day

May is quickly becoming my least favorite month, which is unfortunate, because it used to be my favorite. But it suddenly feels like there’s so much to do and plan! It’s hard to think about myself, and my birthday (or Mother’s Day) when I’m trying to play E’s birthday. I’m trying to find a happy medium, though, where I’ll still celebrate and enjoy myself but not be too stressed. I joked this year that I’m going to start moving my birthday to February, because I could use some more fun there, and less to do in May.

Mother's Day

I was having a conversation recently about Mother’s Day, and how I don’t feel like it’s for me. Which is weird. I obviously feel like a mom – I spend a good portion of every waking hour focused on doing mom things and thinking about my kids. I’m deep in all the mom stuff. I’m currently pregnant with our third child. So why does Mother’s day make me feel so odd? Is it all the commercials of breakfast in bed and specialness of the day? Is it seeing everyone else so focused on brunch reservations and fancy family photos that makes me feel like I should be doing something I’m not interested in? That I’m not living up to my Mother’s Day potential?

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

While I was sitting at my desk on Friday, a reminder popped up on my phone: “Muffins for moms.” It’s usually the kick off to Mother’s Day weekend, a little treat to look forward to. Cancelled this year, obviously. Of all the things cancelled, it’s the least of them. I can easily get a muffin or something even more yummy, but it was just another little sting. Another little reminder that things are different.

Mother's Day

Yeah, yeah, it’s a little late. I’m going to stand by my statement that Mother’s Day should be moved to a less busy month. May is just so full already, that I don’t really have time for Mother’s Day. Which is probably why I did my hotel getaway months after Mother’s Day last year, and why I planned a family photoshoot for the fall this year, which is when (and how) I’d really like to celebrate.