Resting Up

It's a weird time.  A lot of big, exciting things are coming.  E's turning one!  Summer is coming!  Vacations and plans and fun times.  But they're not here yet, and right now it seems like we're just trying to store up our energy and rest because we'll need it in a few weeks.  

It doesn't help that it's rained every weekend for the past few weeks (and it's supposed to rain this upcoming one too!).  Our field (I can't really call it a lawn) is in desperate need of being mowed, but there's no time during the week, and you can't mow in the rain!  

Last weekend was Mother's day, but it was rainy and Tom was sick, so we ended up at home playing on the floor.  It was good because E got a lot of much needed naps.  He's in the middle of a big transition at daycare to get him ready for the toddler room, and one of those things means his nap schedule at daycare changes.  It actually seems to be working for him, but he does end up a bit tired sometimes.  

So updates around here may be a bit spotty and boring, but I promise they'll get more exciting soon!


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