Halloween Take 1

After getting off to a slow start and being a bit paralyzed by options, we are in full blown Halloween excitement!  I think panicking early on and getting costumes decided on helped, because now we're just enjoying everything.  

E has been wearing Halloween themed outfits to daycare for the past week (oh gosh, can you tell I'm a first time parent!?), we've got pumpkins EVERYWHERE, and this past weekend we hit our first Halloween party!  Since Saturday was nice out (and not the washout that Sunday was supposed to be) we spent the day getting in the holiday spirit.  

We visited a community celebration which had so many fun activities - pretty much all for older kids, but it was exciting to watch and know that this will be us in a few years!  It's really nice to know there are fun events like this around.  We saw haunted houses, haunted woods, bonfires, bouncy houses, games, trick or trunking, and much more. 

We topped the night off with a baby friendly Halloween party.  E had fun for the most part, but then he let us know that he wasn't too happy with missing bedtime.  This kid likes his routine.  So after some fussing and a few tears, we headed home.  E made up for sleep with some awesome naps the next day, and hopefully will be prepared for Halloween night!  (Slash we're bringing PJs and fully intend to just put him to sleep where we are if we need to).  

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