E's First Halloween!

Just because the theme with parenting seems to be "Nothing ever goes according to plan," our Halloween plans changed last minute due to a wind storm that knocked out power across New England, and caused trick-or-treating to be postponed in a few local towns (including the one we were going to visit). 

Or another way to look at it is that our Halloween celebrations are going to be extended!  (and probably cause Thanksgiving to sneak up on us...).  So while we haven't gone trick-or-treating yet, we'll get to it soon.  

Our actual Halloween still went according to partial plan.  E's school had a party and parade that we wanted to attend, and took the day off from work so that we could.  Since we were home, we spent the morning hanging out with E and taking lots of pictures, and doing a dry run with our costumes to make sure there were no last minute problems or tantrums involved.  

I'd mentioned earlier that I was a bit paralyzed by costume choices.  Every time I'd get an idea, I'd search for a costume and either not find it or hate all the options.  (Seriously, google baby sheep costumes.  They're not great).  

So I decided to switch tactics and browse costumes instead.  Target didn't have anything I liked, neither did party city, and so I moved to Amazon.  I'd see one I kind of like, and then another, and soon realized they were all the same brand.  Once I found the brand I liked, there were suddenly so many cute options - costumes I never would have predicted I would have liked.  I picked out three I thought were cute, and showed them to Tom.  He immediately was drawn to the same one I kept coming back to, and so we knew it was meant to be - E was going to be a little vampire bat!  

Again, nothing I ever would have guessed.  Never once did I say, you know what would be cute?? But once we saw the costume, we loved it.  And then I decided that Tom needed to be a vampire, and I needed to be a bat - because how else would you get a baby vampire bat?? (I know, I'm clever haha)

We dropped both E and his costume off at school, and then we went to the nearby bookstore for coffee, browsing, and a kid free hour of adult conversation! Afterwards we headed back to the school to get ready for the parade.  At the last minute we decided that Tom would carry E in the parade so he wouldn't have to ride in one of the cribs, and I would be the official spectator and picture taker.  

It was the most adorable chaos I've ever seen.  Little kids and babies in costumes running in every direction.  Amazing.  The teachers in our classroom are amazing and somehow got all seven babies dressed in costumes and happy enough for a group picture.  

The rest of the night we spent doing our normal routine and calming down down from all the excitement of the day.  We did get our two trick-or-treaters from next door, but other than that it turned into a normal night for us.  Next up, actual trick-or-treating!

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