Three Things Thursday

1.  There are only 37 days until the wedding! 

I was looking at the calendar the other day, and realized that I can see everything on one page now!  That means there are only 5 weekends left to cross things off of our lists.  eeeek!

In 37 short days, we'll be married in this chapel! (Ignore the weird way in which my feet are bent. I'm not sure how that was comfortable)

In 37 short days, we'll be married in this chapel! (Ignore the weird way in which my feet are bent. I'm not sure how that was comfortable)

2.  Past Due Vacation Updates

We've been a bit busy lately, and I totally forgot to post about our latest trip to Vermont!  We recently took a mini vacation and headed up to visit friends and family.  We spent two days with my childhood friend Danielle, and her family.  Her son is my godson, and we were there for his baptism!  It was an amazing and special day to be a part of. 

Then we spent two days in Montpelier visiting my sister, my niece and my nephew.  It was great to see everyone, and spend some time with my awesome niece and nephew, who impress me more every day!  I can't wait to spend more time with them in the next month at all of our wedding related activities. 

He's wearing the same outfit his dad was baptized in! So special :)

He's wearing the same outfit his dad was baptized in! So special :)

3. Speaking of crossing things off our lists..

We've been making some great progress lately.  Our maid of honor (and her husband) have helped us on a few things, and Tom and I have been spending almost every evening completing projects, discussing scripture for the ceremony, working through logistics for the timeline... etc, etc! 

Seating chart = done!

Seating chart = done!

Projects are getting painted!

Projects are getting painted!

Boxes of odds and ends are being collected and stored

Boxes of odds and ends are being collected and stored

We're both getting super excited, and hope you are too!  Feel free to leave us a comment below and let us know if you're counting down like we are, or if you just want to say hi.  We'd love to hear from you :)