
Our Weekend

I have a bunch of posts in draft right now, but I’m having a hard time expressing how I’m feeling at this point in quarantine. My head is in a fog, my feelings change by the day or by the hour, and so expressing it coherently is a struggle.

So I won’t.

Not today.

Instead I’ll tell you about our weekend. We didn’t really do anything, of course. We never do, but it was okay just the same. We went outside and got dirty and did some cooking in the kitchen, although not as much as we have been doing lately. I think the only thing E helped with was pancakes. He’s getting excited about his birthday, and cannot wait to have cake. Which means I need to get his cake from a hypothetical vision in my head to something with a bit more of a plan to it.

I Didn't Hate It

I actually had, what felt like.. a normal weekend? Or at least a good and possibly bordering on fun weekend!

It feels weird to say. It almost feels wrong to say, since so many people are hurting right now. But there aren’t many wins lately, so I’ll take it. Tom got a half day on Friday, so we were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Our kids aren’t great at taking walks, but we’re working on it. We park at a local (closed) playground, and walk down the street, since that part of town has sidewalks. We go very slowly, we don’t get very far, and both kids require A LOT of snacks, but it’s nice to get outside.

So much, we did it again Saturday.

The More Things Change...

Recently I was looking at a post from a year ago, and I started laughing at how much it sounded exactly like our life now.  

Maia checking out all the baby stuff? Check!

It's pretty funny how quickly she'll jump on something if she thinks it's for the baby.  Her favorite spot is still the changing table, although she'll take just about anything she can get.  And that car seat she wouldn't test out before?  Officially taken over.  We had a baby gate delivered the other day and before it was even out of the box, she was jumping all over it, claiming it as hers. 

Sick, We've Got It

Oh have we got it.

Poor Bubba's had it pretty bad.  He was fighting off a virus for about a week, but seemed happy.  Then came the puking.  Oh so much puking.  At daycare.  At home.  On me.  On the bed.  On the floor.  Everywhere.  Just when he seemed like he was getting better, he got hit with another virus/cold.  Suddenly he wasn't eating, not acting like his self, all stuffy, and hit with a fever.

A Weekend in the Life

Warning: This post is obnoxiously long, filled with pictures (seriously it may not even load on your phone - I actually didn't post half of what I took because it was taking so long), and maybe not be that interesting to many people, but I like to post snap shots of our life from time to time and see how they've changed.  Here's a peek into our life right now (on the weekends at least)

It Was a Good Weekend

Today's not a great day, for various reasons.  The obnoxious thing is I'm no longer certain of my own feelings - am I really upset over something, or is it being amplified by my hormones?  I used to hate it when people claimed their hormones were affecting their emotions because it seemed like BS to me.  It didn't happen to me.