

This baby has been determined to learn how to walk so she can keep up with her older siblings. It’s been pretty fun watching her figure it out, even if progress seemed slow at times. She went days between her first and second set of steps, but finally we’re at a point where she can confidently walk across a room. I’d say she still crawls at least 50% of the time, but when you put her down, she’s more likely to stay standing than not.

Day 119

At some point do I just stop counting? Is life so changed that it will never return to the “before" so there’s no point in counting how many days it’s been?

Or is it pointless because some things might get back to something that looks a little bit like normal, while others never will? Our daycare is actually open right now, so does that negate my count, since I started counting days since daycare closed? Or does the fact that we haven’t sent them back to daycare yet mean I keep counting?

We Have a WALKER!

Well, another walker I guess.

But baby G is finally walking! Or he did it twice, and hopefully he’ll decide it’s something he likes, and will continue to do it. I’m so sick of having my phone out all day, every day, waiting for the moment. Because it felt like it was going to happen all month. He’s been standing and almost taking steps, but deciding he didn’t really want to. He’d rather crawl, or “walk” on his knees.

15 Months

Well hello there, 15 Months!

I was talking to the director of our daycare recently, and mentioned how happy G seems to be there, and in the non-infant room now. She replied “He’s just happy to be HERE,” waving her arms around “in life!” It’s pretty true. It doesn’t really matter what we’re doing or where we’re going, G is thrilled to be a part of it. The more he learns about life, the more he is enthusiastic about joining in.

It Happened.

I’ve been ignoring it, but I’m not sure I can anymore. 

We have a walker.

E’s been taking steps for a while now.  Since before his birthday.  One, two.. occasionally 4.  Not very frequently though.  Maybe once a day?  He’d do it to prove he could, and then move on.  Crawling was faster, and he didn’t seem interested.  We could never make him do it.. it would just randomly happen.