Two Months

Two Months

About halfway through the month, I looked at you and realized you were no longer a newborn. It was shocking and sad. I wasn’t sure how the change had happened so quickly, and was immediately mourning the fact that you’d left the sleepy and squishy phase. It is, of course, an accomplishment for you. You’re growing! You’re one step closer to showing us who you are as an independent person. And pretty quickly I learned to love this new phase too. You love eye contact, and when I coo at you, I can make you smile.

Torticollis, We've Got It

It's amazing how quickly you can forget the baby years. Even when you're still in them. So that's how I found myself feeling like a rookie mom at our 2 month appointment, even though I've been here only a year and a half ago.

I partially blame it on E, because he’s such a calm kid that after his shots you only have to pick him up for him to stop crying and move on. I wasn't expecting G to be exactly the same, but I also want expecting NOT being able to calm him down. Eating didn't help, cuddling didn't help, I ended up just packing him up and heading home, since I knew he'd fall asleep in the car (which he did).