
Just Pile it On

In my last post I alluded to a week that I thought was busy. Oh if I only knew what was to come.

My last post was about E’s first day of school, which was a Wednesday. That same day I was dealing with a lot of side effects of the Covid vaccine - I had a fever and complete body aches all day, which was mostly annoying and stopped me from accomplishing as much as I would have liked, especially since it was a day with all three kids out of the house (the first in a while!)

F seemed fine that morning, with no trace of a fever, so we sent her to daycare and she was good there all day. We had the impending move from the house the upcoming weekend, but we were figuring it out. Some spray foam insulation needed to go in on Friday, so I’d book us a hotel from Thursday to Sunday which would allow us to move in Friday morning as soon as the kids were all off to school. That was Tom and I would be able to work from the hotel all day, pick the kids up like normal, and spend two nights in the hotel before moving back home.

Minute by Minute

So how is life with three kids?

Honestly it depends when you ask me. Every day we’ll have the sweetest, calmest moments where everything seems great. We’ll be making pancakes, sitting around the table together, and all happy. The baby will start to cry and one of the older kids will run over and cheer her up. There will be cuddles and sharing of toys and cooperative cleaning of the house. And we’ll think, yeah we’ve got this. This is amazing.

Where We Are

I remember when I used to pray for 30 seconds. 30 seconds where I could slip away, unnoticed, and change out of my work clothes. It would never come – I’d either end up carrying two deceptively heavy children with me, or I’d listen to their panicked screams from down the hall where I’d left them, while I quickly changed my clothes.

Last night, though, it happened. I left them playing in their rooms, and slipped down the hall to change. When I got back, they were still laughing and playing, and hadn’t noticed I’d left. It wasn’t until I was putting E to bed that he realized my shirt had changed, and asked me about it. He likes to play with the buttons on my work shirt, and I wasn’t wearing it anymore.

The Bike

It’s not really about the bike. Sure the bike may have set it off, but in reality, it’s more about being a toddler. Being a toddler means learning crazy amounts of new things every day, discovering emotions that are overwhelming at the best of times, and having little control over anything in your life. Together it makes for a frustrating existence. Oh, and did I mention your mouth constantly hurts because teeth are literally ripping holes through your gums?

So that’s where we are.


Well, it's finally hit us.  We have a toddler.  And?  

I miss my baby!

One of my friends has a newborn right now.  I know she's not getting sleep and it's hard and she's recovering... but that cute little baby isn't throwing tantrums yet!  Well at least not about the things E is throwing tantrums about. Because if he was upset only because he was hungry or tired, that I could do!  I have a year's experience on that!