
It Won't Start with an E

I like looking at sibling names.  You can usually learn a lot about the parents by looking at sibling names.  There's usually a similar sound, or feel, and you can see what was important to the parents.  What their style is like. 

Maybe all of their kids have names from the bible.  Maybe they all start with the same letter.  Have the same number of syllables.  Have repeating double letters.  Are contemporary.  Are spelled uniquely.  

What's in a Name??

Marriage is a funny thing.  You start a new family as a combination of two already established families.  You're creating something new, yet carrying with you all of the history that came before you.  In the middle of planning all of the food, seating charts and music options, there was this one big decision that kept bothering us.  After the big party was over, and our focus turns to the real reason for this wedding - our marriage - how would we define ourselves?