
Eight Months

This might finally be the month that breaks me, because having three mobile children is definitely harder than two and a baby. I think we can finally say you’ve figured out this crawling thing, although not well enough for us to realize that when we put you somewhere, you’re not going to stay there. You’re moving just enough that we’re still surprised to find you in a new spot. You bounce and spin and take a break to sit and then get up and move another step or two, but you’re definitely moving, and obviously thrilled about it.

Nine Months

Nick Names: The Bubba, Sweetness
Height: 27.75 inches (21st percentile)
Weight: 19 pounds, 4 ounces (40th percentile)
Head: 17.25 inches (15th percentile)
Special Outings: THE BIGGEST OF BIG OUTINGS! 30,000 feet in the air!! To a completely different part of the country!!!
Visitors: Becca, Oppedisanos
Loves: The Kitty, warmer weather, making friends
Hates: Getting face/nose cleaned, being tired or hungry

The Bubba

The Bubba is a funny creature.  Once a baby that easily startled, he's now pretty easy going.  Ice machines that used to make him cry, now make him laugh.  

The Bubba can crawl now, but he'd like you to believe he can't.  Until you leave your phone somewhere and then ZOOM! he's off to stick it in his mouth. 

Eight Months

Nick Names: The Bubba, Bubba-bee, Sweetness
Height: 26.5 inches (Estimated because no doctor's appointment)
Weight: 20 pounds (Estimated)
Head: 17+ inches
Special Outings: None?  We were total home bodies unless you count shopping trips.. 
Visitors: Raina & Zaida
Loves: Being surprised, cousin Zaida, poking at faces
Hates: Getting face/nose cleaned, being tired or hungry, not being able to crawl

The Thing That Shall Not be Named

"Oh he's almost there!"

"It's going to happen so soon!"

"He's almost got it!  I bet it happens this weekend!"

I try not to pay too much attention to milestones.  I certainly don't care if they happen early or late, and it doesn't bother me when another baby checks something off before we do.  I know it will all happen eventually.  If anything, I usually tell myself whatever it is will happen way later, so that I'm pleasantly surprised when it does happen.