Big Kid

Kiddo Updates

I feel like I need to do a kid update. Not the annual birthday one either. More a, this is where we are in life right now. Because I think to myself that not much has changed or happened, and then I read an old post and realize my children have gotten SO BIG and I don’t know when that happened.

They also change so much in the moment, that it’s hard to capture them. They can be outgoing and confident one minute, and shy and quiet the next. They may love their sibling one day, be super helpful and gentle, and the next day want nothing to do with them. So here’s the best summary I can come up with, totally off the top of my head and probably influenced by what they’ve done the past two days.

April Happenings

Phew April is a busy month, and we still have a week left!

I think the small humans are feeling it too. Emotions have been high, boundaries are being tested, and we’re all exhausted. Luckily we’ve had plenty of fun too.

In our first piece of big news, we converted G’s bed from a crib to a toddler bed! Besides the fact that he asked (and that’s reason enough at this age I think), he was starting to learn that he could climb into it and I wanted to stop that before he realized he could climb out too. We made it 3 wonderful years with him contained, and now we’re working hard to make sure we don’t find him wandering the house in the middle of the night.

The Last Night

There are a lot of parenting choices that split parents into one of two camps. Team pacifier forever or team take it away quick. Team potty train early or team wait until they’re way older. Team switch them to a bed at 18 months or team wait for years.

I don’t know many parents of littles who don’t have strong opinions on these. We certainly do. And if you know us, it’s probably not a surprise that we’re team wait it out on a lot of things. Including the crib.

The Local Carnival

I’m not sure when it happened, but probably sometime during that newborn induced amnesia period. But suddenly I have a full blown kid who can do things, and my tiny toddler is gone!

E shocks me daily with all of the things he can do. He’s gone from kind of humming along when we sing to sort of making sounds similar to what we’re saying, to being able to sing “Twinkle Twinkle” all by himself. He doesn’t crawl up the stairs anymore, but walks while holding the wall (he’d hold the railing, but he’s still too short haha). He’ll bring us a bottle of sunscreen and ask us if we can go outside and play.