It's Forking Cold Out

What do you do when the windchill is below zero, you've been inside for the past few days, and your kid is getting cabin fever?  Why you head to the local furniture store of course! 

I swear this blog could be an ad for Jordan's Furniture store with how frequently I talk about it here.  However, our options are limited.  We've already hit up Target and the local mall, and there really isn't many places where you can get food, entertainment, and is child friendly when it's this cold. 

So off we went.  E ate his first pickle and sweet potato fry and declared them DELICIOUS.  He also took turns with his best buddy driving the fire truck all around the store.  The adults had some ice cream, the babies watched the liquid fireworks, and we all stayed warm and out of the cold. 

It's weird how different life is, and how quick it changes.  Lunch is not a meal that you sit down and leisurely enjoy.  It's throwing food in your face while you supervise your baby and try and teach him how to eat.

It's no longer about what we want to do on the weekends, it's about what's easy and kid friendly and entertains all of us.  It's not worse, it's just different.

And it's super satisfying when that baby has so much fun he passes out exhausted in your arms.  Apparently there is such a thing as too much fun!

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