A Difference of Opinions

"No way.  Why would they sell that book here?  Who would EVER read that book on a plane!?"

We were walking through the airport at Logan, and had wandered into a Hudson News to get some snacks when something caught Tom's eye.  I followed his gaze to see what had grabbed his attention.  

"Oh wow, that looks like an awesome book!  I'm totally going to get that to read on the plane!" 

And so begins the story of how I came to read "SULLY" (the book about the plane that crash landed on the Hudson) on our flight to Chicago, while Tom silently shook his head at me.  

Sully Sullenberger Hudson Plane Crash Tom Hanks

Honestly the book was really good.  The chapters on the actual crash were exciting and captivating, but the entire book was fascinating to me.  Captain Sully has spent a lifetime unknowingly preparing for scenarios like this.  It's also amazing to read about everything that went on in the 3 minutes from bird strike to crash landing.  The book includes the transcript from cockpit recorders, so you're able to read everything that happened in real time. 

I'm also a sucker for biographies, so that probably made me a bit biased, but I loved this book.  And now I'm looking forward to watching the movie!