Go Outside

Seriously.  Do it.  I'll wait.

I don't know if it's as gorgeous where you are as it is here, but spring has finally sprung in Boston.  The sky is the bluest blue, it's warm out, flowers are blooming, people are happy, it's amazing.  Daylight savings has also given us enough of our natural light back that I finally feel like I've emerged from the tunnel of winter. 

Last week was a rough week for me at work, so today when I found myself with some unexpected extra time in my day, I decided to spend my lunch break outside.  What a difference.  My mood improved, my outlook was suddenly optimistic, it was amazing. 

It might be an odd thing to believe, but I often forget that I work right on the ocean.  Yes, I can see the water from my desk, but that just reminds me that I'm near water.  My building is on a little canal just off the Boston Harbor.  As soon as I step outside, though, and walk about a block, I'm at full ocean.  I can smell the saltwater in the air, there are sailboats going by, and I can see the airport in the distance.  Walking along the harbor-walk is such a peaceful and amazing experience, I need to remind myself to do it more often.

Also if you don't get outside, you may never wander across random fruit/vegetable sculptures!  Apparently if you take a selfie with this and post it online, you can get free admission to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston!  #mfaMEGA

MFA Boston Fruit Tree #mfaMEGA