Throwback Thursday

So as I was putting together my list of happy memories, I started going through a bunch of my old pictures.  I found some that I really love, and thought I'd share them for a "Throwback Thursday" post!

Some of these are from moments that were on my original list, and the ones that weren't, probably should have been.  But all of them include my favorite people and things, and lots of happy memories. 

When I was little, my favorite animals were lambs. (They still hold a soft spot).  My favorite stuffed animal, that I loved until there was no fur left on it, was a lamb named Timothy.  One of my favorite shows was Lamp Chop's Play-Along.  In 7th grade I had my mom schedule an orthodontist appointment on the day that my biology class would be dissecting sheep hearts, because I couldn't stand the thought of being part of that. 

So you can imagine how excited I was when I got the chance to visit a farm that had a bunch of baby lambs!  I never wanted to let them go!

I mentioned Disney on my list (I mean who wouldn't), but specifically Goofy should have been there.  He's always been my favorite, so he's a must see when I go to Disney.  The picture on the left was the fist time I met him.  He kept putting his hand over my face and teasing me so I couldn't take the picture.  This picture is a result of me pulling his hands away while laughing. 

This next picture is from my June 1999 graduation from 8th grade.  It was a big deal because at this point I'd been going to my elementary school for 9 years, and had pretty much the same 16 kids in my class every year.  Our school wasn't large enough to have multiple classrooms per grade, so the kids you met in kindergarten would be your classmates for the next 9 years.  Once we left this school, we'd go to a regional high school and have a class of over 300, so it was a big change.

It was also a fun ceremony since I gave a speech as our class valedictorian, and my sister Raina also gave a speech as the commencement speaker of sorts.  (She was a previous graduate of the school and was living in NYC at the time working as a model, so she was a celebrity of sorts to my class). 

Here's another fun one from January 2002 (my junior year of high school) of my "A-wing" crew at our winter formal.  Our high school was split into three wings.  A wing was where all the music and dance classes were, B wing was where all the academic classes were, and C wing was where all the arts and alternative classes (like automotive repair, horticulture, etc) were held.  For some reason, even though I posses no musical ability, I ended up hanging out with the A wing group.  And because we were super creative, we called ourselves the "A-wingers."

It's actually odd to me that Linzy isn't in this photo since she was definitely part of the A-wing group.  Although she was a sophomore at the time, so she would have had to gone with a junior or senior, which could explain it.

It's also interesting that even though this was the group of people I hung out with every day in high school (and maybe dated three of them) I'm not in touch with any of them any more.  Sure I'm Facebook friends with a few, but no one in this picture was at our wedding.  I guess that's what happens over time.  Still a happy and fun memory for me!