Some Thoughts on Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend!  Although I spent a large chunk of it driving, it was certainly nice to have some time off of work, and to see some family members.  

It's one of those holidays where it's impossible to get everyone together at once, but I think we did a pretty good job this year.  

It also makes me super excited for Christmas.  It's less than a month away at this point (!) and I can't wait!  Tom and I realized we've fallen behind our neighborhood when it comes to decorating, so that will be our top priority this week.  Nothing is making me happier lately than living in a neighborhood that goes ALL OUT for Christmas, but I will not be THAT house that doesn't have any decorations up! 

So this week will be recovery from the weekend, putting up lights, and hopefully (finally!) getting our Christmas tree.  I also need to do some major Christmas shopping.  I have a vacation day that I've set aside to hopefully get it done, but I don't even know where I should go at this point.  Burlington mall?  Downtown Boston?  Park myself on my couch with my computer??  

I'd also like to bake some Christmas cookies while I'm at it... and I wonder why it never feels like December has enough time!  Is everyone else feeling this busy?? :)