Adding a Little Beauty to This World

Let's focus on something good in the world right now, like art - sound good?

One of my favorite things about working where I do, is the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.  It's a long, winding park that replaced I-93 once the big dig was completed.  It runs from the North End to Chinatown, and there's always something new to see or do.  Farmers markets, food trucks, water fountains, art installations... it really is a fun part of the city. 

One of my favorite parts of the park is the Greenway Wall, which is in Dewey Square.  I walk through Dewey Square at least twice every week day, so I see it a lot.  The wall always has a mural on it, and it changes about once a year.  This is the fifth one I've seen, and it's always fun to watch a new one get painted on your lunch break. 

I also really like this park, and wall specifically, for another reason.  Some of you  may recognize it from our engagement photos!  We had our engagement photos taken in the Greenway, and the Wall makes a special appearance in a few of them. 

Seven Moon Junction Greenway Mural Boston

At the time, the mural was something called "Seven Moon Junction" and although I never could really make out what the mural was of, I liked it.  When I looked it up, it said: "The mural is centered by a constellation of fabrics patterned with bursting fireworks and flowers. The work features a disposable coffee cup lid whose black form suggests the abstracted face of traditional African masks."  Sure. 

Last week, the latest mural was completed, and I really like it: 

Boston Dewey Square Murual Greenway Wall

If you're interested, here are all the previous murals that have been on the Greenway Wall:

Rose F Kennedy Greenway Wall Murals Boston