This is Two


As much as we’d like to sometimes, we can’t pause time. We can’t stop these little creatures from growing older. So instead, we throw them a party!

E’s best friend, and my goddaughter, turns 2 TODAY!

“Our” first baby (yes I take a bit of ownership of her haha), she’s the one that teaches us what’s to come, and amazes us with every new skill she learns. And then she turns around and teaches most of them to E. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be walking, talking, or drinking from a straw if it weren’t for her.

She is spunky and opinionated and sweet and loving. She loves giving hugs and kisses, even when they make E cry. (We’re working on asking before kissing…). She is his leader, and he will follow her anywhere. Especially if it involves chasing her in circles.

She loves taking care of baby dolls, which makes me excited to see how she’ll react to having more real babies around soon. I’m pretty sure she’s going to claim them as her own, but it’s going to be hilarious and sweet and amazing. (And maybe frustrating, but hey we’re dealing with toddlers right? They’re equal parts crazy and wonderful!)

So last weekend we spent the day partying, and spoiling her with more toys than she knows what to do with, eating party food, and taking lots of pictures (or trying to). Of course all that E and A cared about was that they got to see each other, and run around outside.

There was a new play kitchen to explore, and lots of snacks to eat (seriously, I think E ate like 10 crackers for dinner and nothing else), and there were even DOGS there! Every time there’s a dog, everyone tries to get E to pet them, but all he wants to do is be near them and look at them. He really does not want to touch. He just follows them around, shrieks and giggles. Whatever works kid.


So as much as I can’t believe she’s 2, I’m so glad that she’s here, and I can’t wait to watch the person she grows into!

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