Life With EFG

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We went to visit our Santa again this year. It’s our third year in a row at the same place with the same Santa and I hope it goes on forever. It’s a local family that does it, and a local restaurant donates the space. You get an appointment time and the room all to yourselves as you take as many pictures or just hang out. They accept donations which then go back into the community.

I was impressed by how into it E and G were this year. G ran right up and sat on Santa’s lap. Both of them loved posing for pictures and answering all of Santa’s questions. E told him that they wanted a transformer for Christmas, specifically bumblebee (which they then tried to deny on Christmas morning when they unwrapped that exact gift, even though I have video evidence. Luckily we knew better and got them Bumblebee AND the Sky something one they also wanted). G told Santa he wanted the same thing as E, and promised they could share one toy hahahhahahhaha. Luckily we had also gotten G some transformers to unwrap too.

F was scared of Santa this year, which was fine. He didn’t push and neither did we, but he kept talking to her the whole time. Because she was super excited and loved him so much… from afar. She told him that all she wanted for Christmas was a candy cane, which he promptly gave her - hopefully she doesn’t think she’ll always get such results.

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