Life With EFG

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Nick Names: Baby Baby, Geh Geh
Height: X inches TBD
Weight: X pounds TBD
Teeth: 18 (with 2 incoming)
Words: All of them? She can even pronounce her sibling’s names!
Favorite Things: Cats, babies, peoples, high fives, hide & seek/ being startled, Grover, bubbles, pouches

You are an amazing TWO year old. So clever, I find you figuring out problems with ease. Can’t reach something? Next thing I know you’ve grabbed a step stool and grabbed whatever you needed. You watch your siblings and learn from them all the time.

You have no fear (a little fear once in a while might be a good thing, you know? Maybe a few less black eyes?) and literally dive into everything head first. You’ll jump off anything, tackle anyone, and everyone who meets you uses the word “bruiser” to describe you. However you’re also super nurturing. You always “make drinks” for everyone and can also be found taking care of your babies. If your older siblings look sad, you’ll give up your own toys to try and cheer them up.

You love giving super big and tight hugs, you have elaborate bedtime routines with your siblings that involve hugs, kisses, high fives and fist bumps. When you find something funny, you have the biggest, deepest cackle of a laugh. You love to be mischievous and taking off your shoes and socks the minute I start driving the car somewhere is one of your favorite tricks.

I’m not sure you really understand that you’re two now, but you do love birthdays. You sing, you run around telling everyone ““Happy B’Day to YOU!” and you especially love cake. You’re narrating your whole life now, giving us full sentences and observing everything that’s happening around you.

You are often so thrilled with whatever we do, and it doesn’t take much to make you super happy. Sleeping? Great. Food? Yummy. Family? Amazing. Kitties? The best. Even when we say no about something, you aren’t upset for long. It’s much more fun to chase happiness.

I have a feeling that you’re not going to be little for much longer, and while it’s a little sad to see my last baby grow, I think we’re all ready.

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