Life With EFG

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Nick Names: Sweetness, E
Height: 41 inches
Weight: 35 pounds
Favorite Color: Rainbow Sparkle
Favorite Food: Boston creme donuts, Egg sandwiches,
Other Favorites: Glitter/sparkles, T.O.T.S, Encanto (Luisa), Yard Work, Arts & Crafts, Holidays

HOW did we get here. I had babies and babies and suddenly I have a child old enough to go to school (which you will this fall).

You are sweet and caring and love to do things to make other’s happy. You send love notes to people in the mail, bring your siblings their favorite toys, share treats/snacks and you love to cuddle, especially after you’re supposed to be in bed.

You feel things deeply and take things personally. I often have to make sure I take extra time to talk about feelings with you. For example yet another pair of pants you were wearing ended up getting a hole in the knee, and I could see how sad you were. You were feeling ashamed, like you’d done something wrong. I had to sit you down and let you know that it wasn’t your fault, it was the pants. They weren’t strong enough, and we’d buy new ones. I didn’t want you to play any differently or worry about them. I can definitely see the rule following personality traits of an oldest child forming in you, and while it’s something that can be helpful to a parent or teacher, I want you to learn when to break the rules too.

You’ve started look around at the world around you and you’re so curious. You want to look at everything on my desk - touch it all, open it, see how it works. You’ll call me into your room long after bedtime wondering why people have skin or why the pupil in your eye changes sizes.

At some point over the past year, orange socks was no longer a requirement and your preference slowly switched to all things rainbow and glitter. You are becoming more independent and often if I try to help you with something you’ll say “I KNOW THAT!” and send me away. You don’t sleep with your rock or fish anymore, instead they’re both tucked safely away in your nightstand. Turns out, all you needed was a safe place to keep things that are YOURS and then you don’t feel the need to sleep with them all night. Speaking of sleep, you somehow sleep with the light on all night long, but at least you sleep so I don’t care too much.

You love your siblings so much, and do almost anything to make them smile. You love to wake them both up in the morning and to set all the rules. You definitely want to be, and are, the leader of the children. You keep almost anything someone has given you. Cards that people have sent you in the mail hang on the wall by your bed. You have Valentine’s and small toys and the clues from a treasure hunt from last summer.

I love watching you grow and learn, and while I do mourn the baby you no longer are, I’m so excited to watch who you become.

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