Life With EFG

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Five Months

As of 01/29/2021

Nick Names: Baby baby
Height: 25.5 inches (Measured at home)
Weight: 16 pounds (Measured at home)
Head: 16.5 inches (Estimated)
Special Outings: Daycare drop off? You really didn’t go anywhere!
Visitors: Nicole, Alice & Olivia, Raina & Zaida
Loves: Food, Cocomelon, Brothers, Blowing raspberries
Hates: Being put down, Being bored, Banana

Well this month you have officially moved from a baby that is content to be along for the ride, to our ‘baby baby’ who wants to explore and do. No longer can we put you down on the floor with some toys and expect you to be content. You need to be entertained and experience and see new things. Which has been hard since we haven’t left the house this month. It makes me hopeful that your transition to daycare will be smooth, though. The other day E was explaining to you what daycare would be like. He was telling you what your room was going to look like, and made sure you knew that he’d be able to see you and check on you through the windows multiple times per day.

You’ve accomplished a lot this month. Rolling is easy for you now, but it’s not your favorite. You don’t do it a lot, and often when you do, it just makes you angry. But you can do it easily. You’ve also switched to mostly sleeping independently in the pack n play at night and for naps. Since we’ve done this before, we’re in no rush to get you there - we know it will come. So you still fall asleep on me at night, with your one hand wrapped up in my shirt. I’m savoring those snuggles for as long as I can, but also loving the small breaks we get while you nap. You also have tried a few foods this month, and while you’re still figuring out chewing and swallowing, your enthusiasm is there (except for banana - you hated banana).

When you do get excited about something, everyone knows it. You kick your legs and bounce up and down, trying to throw yourself out of whatever lap you’re sitting in. You are still making sure that no one can forget about you - you’re still loud and happiest when you’re in the middle of whatever the big kids are doing. If someone isn’t paying you immediate attention, you’ll start blowing raspberries until someone returns the favor. As the third baby you may be missing out on a few things (sorry you never get out of pjs, ever) but I think you’re doing a pretty good job making sure you’re known for who you are, and what you like too.

And although you can’t talk, you’re telling us things all the time. People are more fun than toys, cats aren’t as cool as your siblings, and sitting at the table is only fun if you can put your foot on the tray of your highchair. Can’t wait to see what you tell us this month!

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