Life With EFG

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Birth Story Part III - Everything Else

Catch up on Part I and Part II first

So this is normally the part of my birth story where I talk about all the complications and how badly I hemorrhaged afterwards. Except this time I had a doctor that actually listened when I told her my history and it was a game changer. I think I lost less blood than I did with E. It was amazing to not only feel okay minutes after delivery, but to have a calm delivery room. No one rushed the baby away, no extra help rushing in, just a quiet room.

Except of course for baby F. Who was completely pissed at being born still. She rewarded me by immediately pooping on me as they handed her to me, and then screamed at me for a good 20 minutes. I finally the pediatrician take her so she could be weighed (coming in at one ounce under the limit that would require glucose tests in the hospital!) and I could hear them laughing as she wasn’t cooperating with them either while they tried to take her foot prints.

Another positive from having my bleeding under control, was that I was able to be up and walking within an hour of giving birth, and two hours later was in my room on the maternity floor! It was nice to have my final birthing experience at this hospital be so redeeming. Or as much as it could be during a global pandemic anyway. There are of course things I wish could have been different, but at least all of the things that I felt could be controlled went smoothly.

One difference this time was how it felt to be in the hospital. Usually I cherish those first few slow days when there are nurses taking care of you, food is brought to your room, and there are no obligations except to rest and bond with the baby. But this time I had a four and two year old at home, both of who were missing me hard. We’d video chat and E would cry and both of them would ask me to come home. It was just enough to have me ask to be released as early as possible, which they were trying to do anyway - no one wants people to stay long in the hospital with Covid going around.

Covid also meant the fresh48 photoshoot I’d wanted to do in the hospital didn’t happen either. It ended up fine, since we did it at home instead. With three children I know I’ll have to constantly be flexible and have low expectations, so that didn’t bother me too much. Things would have been easier if E & G could have come to the hospital, but meeting their sister at home worked just as well.

The only real surprise came with baby F herself - who likes to get herself really worked up and hold her breath for long periods of time to let us know just how angry she is. I have a feeling this one is going to turn into a firecracker!

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