Life With EFG

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Oh Right, I'm Pregnant

23 Weeks

Second trimester - the small window of time where I can go moments or hours where I feel normal and forget I’m pregnant. Which I realize sounds crazy because there’s also some baby doing cannonballs in my belly, but it’s easy to be distracted when you’re chasing a 2 and 3 year old around.

Sure there are symptoms - pains here and there, I’m bigger and slower and quickly out of breath. Heartburn is returning, it’s harder to eat big meals - all things I’ve dealt with before. Maybe that’s why I can still feel “normal.” Although the tinnitus is new, and one symptom I definitely would be okay with going away…

There’s also not a lot of pregnancy stuff happening. There’s not a lot of baby gear to gather, or tasks that need completed, and even my doctor’s appointments are pretty easy to forget. Since this is my third time, there’s not a lot of questions I have, and they don’t want to keep me there longer than I need to be. So I’m usually in an out within five minutes or so.

Part of it is probably that I’m not leaving the house either. I have no interaction with people, so there’s no comments, no discussions, no reminders. The majority of the people I work with don’t know I’m pregnant, and even family and friends admit to forgetting occasionally too.

There are preparations happening in the background, of course. Small things we’re doing to get this house ready to work for five people. Changing some furniture around, shuffling car seats, and most visibly - sorting baby clothes.

We still have a lot of time left, of course, so we’ll continue to slowly get ready, and I’ll be preparing for when this pregnancy gets harder, because I know it will. So while this is a boring update, it’s a pretty boring (thankfully) period of pregnancy too.

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