Life With EFG

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Halloween Halloween!!

I’m actually shocked that Halloween is still so far away. We’ve been leaning heavy into all the fall/Halloween activities for a while now, so I’m having a hard time believing we’ve still got over a week to go. The kids are loving it, though, and we still have a lot of fun things coming up. Now that we have three kids, I’m afraid I’ve found my weakness in matching PJs. I’ll admit it’s a bit too early to pull out the Christmas PJs, so I’m going all in with Halloween ones.

Seriously, though - is there anything better than these cuties?? Can I find matching PJs for them to wear year round? It might need to happen.

Also remember when we put G in a pumpkin? At the time I remember thinking it was difficult with a 10 month old, and that it would have been easier with a smaller baby. I take all of that back. Smaller baby does not equal easier, especially when that smaller baby can’t sit up yet. Sure I padded the inside of the pumpkin with warm, soft blankets, and made sure this baby was supported… but it still didn’t go well. Looking back at the experience with G, and I can’t believe I ever thought it was hard. I have a bunch of pictures from that day and each one is cuter than the one before. He’s smiling, he’s happy, he’s a total ham. He’s the G we know and love.

This time around I barely have two pictures, and they’re both horrible. She was not happy about it, and we didn’t push it too much. Hopefully she’ll look back at these some day and think they’re hilarious. And maybe she’ll be small enough next year we can try again? E & G did have a ton of fun helping to empty out the pumpkin. It makes me think that next year we’ll have to actually carve some pictures for real. Up until now we’ve been able to get away with cleaner pumpkin activities - giving them a bath, painting them, etc.

Halloween never used to be my holiday. Sure I love the candy, but otherwise I’ve been pretty indifferent. But having all these littles is quickly making it one of my favorites!

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