Life With EFG

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Chasing That Feeling

I am riding a high.

The type of high that can only be achieved by checking something off your list. Something that’s been on there for way too long and has been hanging over your head for too long. It’s one of those things that you end up thinking about multiple times a day, worry about before you go to bed, and just want it taken care of. It’s times like these that I often wish we weren’t the adults here, and someone else would just come along and do it for us.

But when it’s done? Boy it feels so good.

And talk about a boring adult thing - we’re super excited to be reporting that we have three working toilets in our house!! Isn’t that what every adult wants to spend their money on? I guess when they get so bad that the noise the toilet is making is loud enough that it keeps you awake at night because you can hear it over two different sound machines, it’s time to get it fixed.

Or maybe the final straw was the handle breaking straight off one of the toilets. Either way, we were both doing the happy dance when a plumber was finally available to come and get everything working again. Apparently builder’s grade only lasts for so long, and in this case it’s apparently 7 years.

So now that we have that taken care of, it’s obviously time to try and cross something else off that list to keep chasing this good feeling, right?

Apparently some people like to just relax and enjoy the good feeling, but where’s the fun in that?? So of course we immediately decided to tackle our laundry room/closet that we’ve been meaning to work on for.. oh 4 years now?

It’s one of those projects that both seems impossible but logically feasible? It’s a, I have faith in us, but also wouldn’t be surprised if we failed miserably, kind of project. The hardest part is obviously time and momentum. Just kidding, moving the washer and dryer is pretty hard too… we managed to do it though, enough to complete phase I of this project.

See if we had infinite time, we’d leave a mess and work on it for a few days in a row. We wouldn’t worry about children running around or needing to do their laundry in between. We wouldn’t have situations where a diaper needed to be changed and the water gets turned on and is spraying water everywhere, and everyone is running around like crazy.

But we don’t have infinite time, and we do have two small children, so things happen, ceilings get wet, and projects take longer than they should. But at the end of the day we still have three working toilets, and our laundry project is one step closer to being complete. Updates and photos to come, of course, but don’t hold your breath. It could be two weeks from now, or it could be two years!

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