Life With EFG

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Picture Fun

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten about parenting so far, is not to compare them. They’re going to be different. This close in age, they’re going to be as different as they can be in most ways. That’s just the way it works.

And so far, that’s pretty accurate. It seems like we have on introvert, who pulls into himself when he’s in stressful or new situations. He requires a lot of down time, and is a pretty strict rule follower. We also have one that seems like an extrovert who expresses himself outwardly, thrives on loud and busy situations and wants to be around people. Oh, and he thinks mischief is the best.

It’s fine, I’d rather they be different. It will give them opportunities to discover their own interests, and force us to parent them as the individuals they are.

It also helps that physically they’re so different. Their hair is not only different colors, but different textures. They’re on opposite sides of the growth charts, and their faces look completely different. Still, there are times when I’ll look at G, and have flashbacks to E at that same age. In the same outfit, doing the same thing.

Still different, but fun to compare.

E in the red shorts, G in the orange ones (obviously before E claimed orange as his favorite color). Same below, E then G. Same robe but two very different kids.

Just a fun distraction at a time we I could use all the distractions I can get!

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