Life With EFG

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18 Months

Nick Names: Lovie, Smush, Little One
Height: 33 inches (65th percentile)
Weight: 26 pounds (79th percentile)
Head: 19 inches (73rd percentile)
Teeth: 12?
Words: Probably over 100
Favorite Things: BATHS, Eating (especially applesauce), Riding his bike, Cooking with E, Abby & Elmo (Sesame Street), Any stuffed animal or soft thing he can bury his face in, Spinning in desk chairs

Somehow we’re halfway through 1.  It’s unimaginable, because just a few days ago was your first birthday, and then we all went into quarantine and suddenly it’s today and the calendar says six months have gone by.  At the same time when I think about the fact that you weren’t walking when daycare closed and we all started this home quarantine, that seems forever ago.  You running around is the best thing ever.  It’s a half gallop, half fall as you move slightly sideways with your belly out and arms pumping. 

As we hit one and a half, you’ve picked up a few new tricks, grew some more teeth, and have a slightly better vocabulary.  It’s hard to count all your words, because you have a lot that you’ll use randomly, but not often enough for me to remember unless I happen to write them down at the time.  There’s a lot of context that comes with your words too.  If you’re saying “bee” and looking out the window, you literally want to see a bee.  But if you’re walking around saying the same thing with your arms up in the air, you’re looking for some specific object, as in “Where could it be?” 

You are obsessed with learning words in general, and will demand we read books to you over and over as you absorb the new words.  As soon as you finish you’ll start your panicked “Peas! Peas!” until we start again from the beginning.  When you do collect a new favorite, you’ll proceed to show it off every chance you get.  Lately “clock” has been a favorite, as you point out every one we have in the house, and even a few that you’ve found in pictures hanging on the wall. 

Your big brother also taught you a new phrase recently that you love to use.  Daily now you’ll run up to me and say “here go!” as you hand me some random gift.  Whether it’s a rock you found outside, my phone you just stole from me, or a piece of food you think I should eat, you’re constantly running up to me with a hand outstretched.  You’ve also figured out the meaning of the word “reach” and like to act it out as over dramatic as you can.  Lying on the ground with your arms out, you’ll dig your fingers into the ground and make a big deal about trying to get something and inch or two away from you.  “Reeeeeeachhhhhh!” you’ll say over and over again as you grunt and make all sort of sound effects. 

I call you my little lovie, and you do have such a loving and sweet side.  You like to randomly run up to me or Tom and give us hugs (usually to our legs as we’re doing something, you just appear and squeeze our legs tightly).  Every night you want a family hug before you go to sleep, and I get lots of wet kisses on my face accompanied with giggles.  Lately I’ve noticed you petting your brother’s hair a bunch, and crying if you don’t get an extra hug from him before bed as well.

You also have a mischievous side, and if someone mentions it, you’ll often cackle the most evil laugh I’ve ever heard – as if you know what we’re talking about and it’s very much on purpose.  You enjoy doing things you know you’re not supposed to while maintaining direct eye contact with us and giggling while you wait for a reaction.  Basically you’re a typical toddler.

We’re working on teaching you patience, because you seem to have been born without any.  You often scream as loud as you can (and boy is that loud) whenever you’re waiting for something to happen.  Your dinner, a toy you can’t reach, or waiting for your bath to fill up – it’s immediate panic while you wait.  We stop every single time and ask you to stay quiet and say please, yet it hasn’t stopped the screaming.  You’re so impatient you can’t even work out who you’re saying please to.  “Peas dah mama!” a demand that comes out as one word. 

You’re in love with your brother, as always, and need to follow him around and do whatever he’s doing.  Yet, you’re also way more content to play alone than even he is at twice your age.  I’ll often find you by yourself playing with toys or reading a book.  Completely immersed in whatever you’re doing. 

As much as we feel we know about you, you’re still a little mystery, and we can’t wait to learn more about you!

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